Owen helped us carve pumpkins. He liked the goo and the fact that we carved out triangles. This year he really wanted to touch the pumpkin when the candle was lit, even though he knew it was hot. For Halloween night we put Owen in a leopard costume and he was very cute. Owen stayed in his costume for 3 and 1/2 hours. We went Trick or Treating to a couple of houses. We started at our next door neighbor who we know and actually went inside their house. Owen played with the little boy's toys for a while, so at one point we thought that he may think that Trick or Treating meant that he went inside someone's house and played with their toys. Fortunately this didn't happen. We went to a couple more houses where he did say "Trick or Treat". One of the houses was like ours so it had steps going up to the front door. As we were walking up them, Owen kept saying "Trick or Treat" over and over again, so I think he got it. We then came home and passed out candy with Owen's help. Our neighbor that we first went to came to our house and they came in for a while. It was a lot of fun.
If you don't live in Colorado, you really can't appreciate our weather. Yesterday's high in Denver was 80 degrees. Today it is in the 30's and snowing! At this point we received about 4-5 inches and it is still snowing. The forecast has us in the upper 60's by Tuesday and the 70's by Wednesday. Owen really enjoyed the snow this time and really liked eating it. Doesn't he look like the little boy from A Christmas Story?
We went to the Pumpkin Festival today at Chatfield. We put Owen in his Halloween costume and he went around the festival in a wagon. We went back to the pumpkin patch first to pick our pumpkins. Owen had a good time walking around touching all of the pumpkins. He tried to pick up several, but was only successful with small ones and gourds. We then had Owen go to the petting zoo and he is definitely not afraid of animals. He was trying to hug all of them like he hugs Bailey. At one point he wedged himself between two rather large sheep. Can you believe that he kept his costume on the entire time?! However, as soon as we got in the car, he took of the hat! We'll be carving our pumpkins in a couple of weeks.
Owen enjoys playing the piano and wants to play it everyday. I have to leave the keyboard open because if he wants to play and the keyboard is closed he tries to open it himself which has almost led to pinched fingers. Below is a picture of Owen having his baby play the piano.
We purchased a new bedroom set for Owen. I can't believe he will be two in three months! We will be transitioning Owen to his new bed as late as our referral or if he decides that he can crawl out of his crib before then. The bedroom set barely fits his room since it is connected to a Jack and Jill bath, therefore having two doors. He likes to jump on the bed and pull out the drawers of his dresser. We'll see how he transitions.